
Showing posts from April, 2009

Students Not Allowed

Am not sure what brought me to this building that seems to have a real heart for students. Probably I went to a travel agency, or an internet café, or a photocopier, whatever. I am not a student anymore, not yet again anyway. But these big bold signs, I strongly believe, are offensive. Isn’t this discrimination of some kind? Mind you, ALL establishments in this building earn heftily from students. There are internet cafes, a language school, a dentist, and all sorts of other establishments that exist because of, and for, the students. There is even a gay bar at ground floor! Haven’t the wealthy owners ever heard of incidental overheads or derivative responsibilities? What could be the next thing we’ll see on their walls? Why not just post a big signage at the lobby that says “students are not allowed in this building” – and let’s see if your tenants don’t start closing shop faster than the others. Ah yes, this is that building directly across the main entrance of Gaisano...

Holy Week Cogitations

This got me thinking days ago with a chatmate giggling seeing a “black X-mark” on my forehead when I came on video chat. She was so amused and interrogated me what it was and why it was. Of course, I struggled… to give a detailed response as to the “why”, that is! But I am not ashamed! I can at any time roam around town and interview every Filipino about the “X-mark” or even the whole of holy week itself, and I am sure, too many will struggle for specifics too. That said, I am therefore “normal” whahehehe! But let me qualify things as I am no religious and have not been to religious schools my entire student life. Whatever I say here will be mere descriptions of how I perceive things to be, and how I observe other people practicing the various ceremonies and activities. Here I go, correct me if I’m wrong, and let me start with Lent in general: In the Philippines, this season is congruous with what it is for western European Catholics. When I went around asking about it, I realize...