Seaside Dampa, Macapagal Boulevard

With the proliferation of “Dampa Style” eateries, I find this to be the best in terms of orderliness and cleanliness. You can call it “bourgeois mentality” but thankfully, this place is out of the easy reach by the common masses in terms of distance and location. I am not even sure if there are jeeps that ply a route passing by this place. Some friends tell me there are. Anyway… I came to know about this place through someone who invited old friends (that’s including me) for some kind of a reunion. And I immediately liked it. “ Seaside ” – as it is commonly referred to by those who know about it, is located along the not yet so dense Macapagal Avenue facing the Manila Bay. Of course it faces the water, that’s why it’s called “seaside”. But that is only if you get to settle at those restaurants by the edge of the waters. Nonetheless, you will like many of the restaurants there – my favourites are not even by the water’s edge. As you would already know, “Dampa Style” eateries have ...