Arrival at Pilar, Camotes Islands

Let’s do some basic infos about this place for those unfamiliar. Pilar is a town of Cebu province. This is the eastern-most town/island of the Camotes Islands that is actually nearer mainland Leyte than mainland Cebu. Reason why I approached it from Ormoc as its the easiest, fastest and most convenient way to do. There is actually nothing so fantastic about this island town to make it a must for visitors. But I went there just the same out of my curiosity – not to mention that this meant I’d have been able to visit ALL the towns and cities of Cebu province. So Pilar town was the “cap” or the “finale” of my trying to roam all of Cebu!

For the curious like me, here are some bits you might want to ponder about:
My boat ride coming to this island was where I saw too many flying fishes that took to the air as we passed. It looked like our boat disturbed them, so they were like scampering away. And OMG they could really fly (or is that glide?) very far! I thought that was interesting! I am not mistaken, this was the first time I saw too many of them flying fishes in one location, live and flying!

Hey, something(s) bobbed out of the water and just as fast disappeared. I even caught the scene only on my half-conscious, half-distracted peripheral vision hehe. Everyone on the boat agreed (or claimed) it was a dolphin or a whole barkada of dolphins. But since I did not quite make out what they were, I still want to say I did not see dolphins hehe.

It was a very smooth sail on almost-completely placid seas. It was a clear sunny day, that’s why! And interestingly, it was preceded by my first time to experience strict coast guard officers (two of them) admonishing ‘pasaway’ passengers like many of us hahaha! Notable notes enough, right? Very!

Let us go to the island/town for more…

On our boat’s arrival, young dudes jumped from the pier to the waters, then they kept jumping, diving, tumbling form our boat’s outriggers. Interestingly, they were not doing it to beg for coins as others do at many other ports in this country. What were they doing that for then? Beats me hehe! Baka gusto lang magpasikat o mang-aliw! Or probably they like romping and jumping from the outriggers of a bigger boat without being driven away by boatmen. Their antics were quite a sight to see for the first-time visitors just the same!

Then there was the walk under the sun! Yep, like most everywhere, the docking area is some distance from the main strip of the town so we had to walk it. I think that should be an easy 200 meters or so. Nice breezy walk anyway, and I liked it. But halfway along the long strip, there is an outpost or office or viewdeck whatever that is nice to climb up to and view the surroundings. And I did!

More of Pilar next!

To read the chronology of stories on this Pilar Camotes trip, click the following numbers:
01   02   03   04   05   06

ISSN 2512540.75-0923


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