Hotel Airport Hotel At Clark
So, I arrived at 9PM. Now what? Of course I had to look for somewhere to lay my royal highness for the night! I didn't have reservations, since from experience, there are always available hotels in Clark. There was this relatively unknown place though, that had been inviting my curiousity since this morning, while browsing on googlemaps. It is the nearest, but misplaced! You see my red question mark? That's what the map was telling me. But I knew, that it is not precise. I often pass by the area, it is just a wide parking lot. Maybe nearby? Oh by the way, we can't always trust the accuracy of what we see in google or other such maps, since those are added by just about anybody with an account, who may have inaccurate brains hehehe! What I trust at least is: it must be somewhre nearby! Like in the above map, I trusted that the airport hotel must be in that vicinity! In fact, the reason I went looking for it was: I could see (also on googlemaps), there were othe