
Pasigarbo Sa sugbo 2011, Festival Queens

They're becoming more beautiful each year. And better dancers too, I think! I noticed that girls representing places farther away from Metro Cebu are/were better at the dancing part a la festival queen. Some are/were obviously 'reserved' (pa-cute or pa-demure) as if they were in a miss Cebu or Binibining Pilipinas pageant. If they are placed in front of a group to dance, then they should dance as mightily or as animatedly as the dancers behind them, right? The smiles at the camera should only come second. But they were all beautiful! Kudos to the Kagasangan girl. Sumasayaw talaga, even if looking at the cameras. To think she looked like she had one of the heaviest costumes hehe. I think she won many things cuz the gown was strewn with sashes! Am sure she deserved those. It showed! Here's something from my lowly point and shoot:

Pasigarbo Sa Sugbo 2011, Rehearsals

Its that time of year again folks, and OMG, these groups and the things they do never cease to amaze me. Never will ever cease, I think! After a grand time at the 1Cebu Expo, and after ogling at the 'mobile ATM', I knew where my ears and my feet would naturally drag me hehe. The blockings and rehearsals of the Pasigarbo Sa Sugbo 2011 contingents. As you know, in Cebu... or make that... in the Visayas, these festivals are no easy feats. They seriously accord time and resources for everything. I mean from everything to everything. Thus, catching them at rehearsals alone is always a spectacle enough... plus more! On approach, I chanced upon the group from Danao City. How did I know? Well, the music... "caransaaaa, caransa sa danao"... I think my inner brain (if there is ever such) may have already memorized all those festival jingles hehe. I've seen the Caransa Festival twice over at Danao City. Yes that city with a beautiful church facing the Camotes Islands

1 Cebu Expo 2011

Alrightie folksie folks! There I was again, at the Cebu International Convention Center or CICC to see and experience the 1Cebu Expo. As usual, an overwhelming array of displays from the various towns and cities of this province for me to browse by the whole day. My oh my, it just gets plentiful every year - that means the walking gets longer and longer and... ah, who told me I should see all those in just one day anyway. They are usually there for about a week or two! But anyway, yes anyway... I once again enjoyed walking around the 3 floors of the CICC so I could see what beckoned. Ah, as if not all of them beckoned... ah! Imagine, even Ilocos Norte and South Cotabato were represented! And I noticed every inch more of the lobby is getting utilized. I wonder what I will see next year hehe. Probably the parking areas will also teem with booths. One part of me is joyous at the thought, but another part of me is saying, I better be fit to be able to roam all these booths. Gosh! Dow

Mobile ATM in Cebu

Ok now, call me outdated or way behind the news on recent technological trends or financial sector developments. But I must swear this was the first time I saw it. Just this afternoon actually, as I emerged from the CICC having roamed the multitude of booths and displays at the "1 Cebu Expo 2011". What is it? An ATM, yes. Oops this time, I mean an Automated Teller Machine and not the "automatic tubig machine" as you may have read here . Mobile? Well yes, as you can see it is an AUV. The machine is installed in its mid-section where the 'crew' (driver and guard actually) retract a small platform for you to climb into, so you can reach the machine and face it squarely! They even also spread a square material atop the van that becomes a canopy to protect you and the machine from sun and rain. Nice thing eh! I saw the guard open the back portion of the van so I peeped in. There is a small table and a seat like what you see at the rear portion of an FX.

At The Tacloban Airport

Nothing new really. I just need to tell you some thoughts that came to mind. Like? Like there’s nothing new hahaha! And, THAT is becoming a problem. What’s THAT? That there is nothing new aahehehe. Am I confusing you? Well, I wanted to, and at least I succeeded hehe! I have got nothing to do now, sitting at a turo-turo some 50 meters away from Tacloban’s DZR airport, so am jotting things to while time away… Remember that pic of the Grand Tours driver I showed in the previous story ? Yeah, I took that picture at 2:44PM. And behind me was already the check-in area of Tacloban’s airport. So I was a bit early checking-in for my 5:10PM flight to Cebu since counters would open at 3:10PM, right?! Thanks to Mr. Speedy of a driver hehe! I went in anyway and oi-oi-oi, the counter was already open. Whoa! So I checked-in They (Airphil Express) have a new check-in counter. But oh pity them, their new counter is no bigger than a streetside hamburger joint or a sari-sari store! At least its new

Fasten Your Seatbelts... ALWAYS

This one is both to tell you my dear readers and to remind me of that usually taken for granted reminder to always fasten your seatbelts when travelling in this country – especially if you are seated as front seat passenger of public conveyances running along the Maharlika Highway. Fasten your belts ALWAYS, and no matter what! Here’s my little story… We were running fast, quite fast actually… faster than the normal speed of those v-hire vans from Catbalogan to Tacloban or vice-versa. And I liked it – because I wouldn’t be late for my flight check-in again. Another passenger and I have paid extra P100 over at their Catbalogan City terminal for a special trip to the airport (but that’s another topic). Anyway, that meant our van would still empty its passengers along the streets of Tacloban and finally its Tacloban City terminal before proceeding to the airport to drop us. So, even if we were flying at about the speed of a Cebu Ceres bus hehe, I was more than smiling. Imagine, we left C

Samar Day 2011: The Showcase Center

Remember this paragraph from the previous post ? Following day, I roamed around and chanced upon a little new building by the corner of the capitol grounds near the tennis courts. Hmm, its their yet unfinished tourism offices doubling as the province’s product and destination showcase. Many interesting things I encountered there and all I could say was “it’s about time Samar, show it off”! Here is a one-stop location to get familiar with everything the province has to offer – though most are still their products. Well, am sure more information on each town’s tourist attractions should be following soon since I saw that not all towns have already showcased theirs. I liked the t-shirts but the one I wanted to buy came “free-size-only” and none that I could consider a real fit for the gradually thinning large physique of My Royal Highness hehe. Sigh. Just what sorts of interesting products did I see in that showcase? Ah well, for starters, have you heard about a “Malunggay Polvoro

Samar Day and Manaragat Festival 2011, All Set!

I was in the city of Catbalogan again, though as always, not (yet) to do my usual roam but for something called “work”. Anyway, I did have some bits of time during the 3 day visit, and yes, I felt it… the festive mood that the coming Samar Day and Manaragat Festival is already very much in the air! Well, as I write this, am sure many of the activities will/are already ensuing. For those who don’t know (I didn’t) Samar Day or “Kaadlawan Han Samar” is the provincial government’s celebration of the province’s foundation anniversary. The Manaragat Festival on the other hand is the city government’s month-long series of celebrations to highlight the city’s August 24 fiesta in honor of their patron saint/s. Am confused on that part as there are supposedly 2 saints being honored in this fiesta celebration – and I wonder why. Hah, on arrival last Friday afternoon, I was surprised why everywhere seemed to be already in festal mood when it was only the 5th of August. But I liked it! The stree