
Showing posts with the label Mahinog

Benoni To Balingoan

This was planned, at least as of yesterday! I had to take a RORO ride from Benoni port to the port of Balingoan, which takes about an hour. From there, a bus ride to CDO, then cab to the airport would have made me catch with ease my early evening flight. So, since it was obvious I was in danger of being left behind by the RORO, I agreed with my habal-habal driver that he be the one to rush me to Benoni instead of taking yet more time looking for one or waiting it out with the trikes or jeeps at the market. Take this: I checked out of Rooftop Hotel at 1220H, I was already sitting on the RORO as 12:55NN! Not to mention that at 1226H, I was still at the PNB ATM in Mambajao! How was the ride? Also wonderful. It was not even a RORO but a smaller boat. All-steel body (at least) and not a wooden boat. Hello Noah, am not keen riding your kind of boat hehe! Mind you, this boat that I took to Balingoan may have been the very same (or the same kind) as that boat we took on our tour of de

Gliding by Guinsiliban

Almost halfway (but not quite) on my clockwise route circling Camiguin. We last talked about Taguines Lagoon, right? Ah, it is still part of Benoni in Mahinog. Therefore, I haven't even made it to the southmost tip or my halfway mark. And it was already exactly 4:01PM. Awrrrr! Was I gunning for or chasing something? You'll know later! As for now, let's get back on the road for more of what I have seen. Here we go... Another nice old wooden house. Had to take this shot even if I was facing the sun! Oh, that signage for Buahanan Park just looks like its tacked to the house. Its not. It is nailed to the end-post of that bamboo fence! I did ask my guide what is Buahanan Park, and because we were both at cruising speed on each of our motorbikes, he hollered his reply in bisaya - something that meant "nothing important"! Ack! Am sure residents would have heard that, so pressed on the gas faster - lest some of them come out to the road offended hehe! Kuyawa! Nice

Camiguin Afternoon Run, Southwards To Benoni

Out of Katibawasan , we were back on the road enjoying the rest of the countryside... One of the buildings at Camiguin Polytechnic State College (CPSC). Still in Mambajao. I saw this corner (from opposite direction) earlier on my arrival into Mambajao , right? My guide was about to enter that road but I suggested we skip, thinking I would be in there tomorrow on my way to Balingoan! But I did wonder, wasn't it the port/wharf we arrived at during that tour of yesteryears? I remember it was just 'near'! Whatever. Hmm, I realized these were my views this morning , just in reverse order and vantage. So, I knew we were just nearing Mahinog. Hah, not even halfway circling the island! Hey this here is one nice big new modernistic abode in the middle of rurality! They must have a grand morning vista looking out to the sea and the rest of Misamis Oriental. But, I would have made those upper windows bigger though, if I were them. Nakialam ba! Hmm, a nice guessing game if