
Showing posts with the label Anahawan

Anahawan Town Center

The town of Anahawan, my next destination, is just about 9 kilometers from Hinundayan via a coastal road with picturesque views of the sea - that would (I guess) be Surigao Strait, just below Leyte Gulf. Unfortunately, my phone was not just acting up, it went totally dead! Not just "lowbat" but "nobat"! As it re-charged, I had to make-do with a lower grade phone-camera with an attitude! When the vehicle is moving, even if slightly, everything that I take a photo of, becomes 'unreasonably' blurred. Haruy tatay! Look..,     Those are just two of the many pictures I took as we entered the Anahawan town proper! Click ako ng click, only to find out very much later, na puro ganyan pala ang pictures! All I could say was "sayang". I knew those were good old wooden houses that we just passed by. But the vehicle was moving. Lisod! Yes, big and old wooden houses also abound in this town. Just believe me as I've got no proof! Anyway, at one corner